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Obamacare Narrows Provider Networks and Drug Formularies

Obamacare Narrows Provider Networks and Drug Formularies

11/16/2015 15:29:58

Rules and regulations Obamacare imposes on insurance plans sold in the individual market make means narrower networks and drug formularies. The participating insurance companies are curtailing these coverage aspects to keep premiums lower.   Narrow Provider Networks. An analysis ...

You Aren't Subject To The Obamacare Penalty If...

You Aren't Subject To The Obamacare Penalty If...

10/21/2015 00:37:20

If you can't find “affordable” coverage, meaning the cost of your premium would be more than 8.05 percent of your household income, then you are exempt from the Obamacare Tax Penalty.  This is based on the lowest-priced coverage available to you through...

For Middle Income Americans Obamacare Coverage Is Worse than Nothing

For Middle Income Americans Obamacare Coverage Is Worse than Nothing

02/23/2016 13:57:59

Under Obamacare people with health coverage can rack up huge medical bills despite having insurance. That’s because, for the majority of middle income Americans, the only coverage they can now afford are plans that feature excessively high deductibles – and because those are so expensive... low monthly prices leave insureds open to financial and healthcare disaster, experts say low monthly prices leave insureds open to financial and healthcare disaster, experts say

10/31/2015 12:25:04

According to The Department of Health and Human Services, returning customers to can save if they switch to the lowest-cost plan within their coverage level.  But experts say the monthly premium is misleading. They say quality and coverage of health plans makes exchange-based hea...

IRS Releases Tax Tip - You May Be Exempt From The Obamacare Penalty

IRS Releases Tax Tip - You May Be Exempt From The Obamacare Penalty

02/17/2016 15:15:23

For many Americans the Health Insurance Exchange Alternative has provided a better health insurance alternative than the government exchange.  Most who purchased the insurance available through the Health Insurance Exchange Alternative have qualified for Exemptions from the Shared Responsibili...

Short Term Healthcare with Major Medical Instead of Obamacare

Short Term Healthcare with Major Medical Instead of Obamacare

10/18/2015 18:13:37

Policy experts Sean Parnell and Timothy Jost have noted a loophole in the law that is attracting millions of young adults—and others as well—who seek inexpensive insurance. This loophole has been expanded by the ingenious combination of insurance products offered by Health Insurance Exch...

Don’t be a Do-It-Yourselfer and cobble together Cut-Rate Health Insurance!

Don’t be a Do-It-Yourselfer and cobble together Cut-Rate Health Insurance!

01/28/2016 12:39:03

If you are like a lot of hard working Americans and have decided that paying $1,000 or more a month for family health and dental plans through your job has become an excessive burden – then listen up. You’ve probably searched for individual family plans on These polices a...

Living Benefits Insurance: Pay for Dementia

Living Benefits Insurance: Pay for Dementia


Did you know that a living benefits life insurance policy could pay for the costs of Dementia care? People with dementia — especially those with Alzheimer's disease — often live for years after reaching the point where they need 24-hour care, leaving families in an emotional, f...

Why You Need a Living Benefits Policy

Why You Need a Living Benefits Policy

12/11/2015 12:40:35

Ever wonder what it would feel like to survive a serious illness physically but end up financially devastated?  How can you protect yourself, your family, your assets, and the quality of life that you have built for them if faced with a life threatening illness?  What if your doctors recom...

Recommended Alternatives to Obamacare

Recommended Alternatives to Obamacare

10/15/2015 13:10:32

According to health insurance experts, if you are looking for the highest value alternative to Obamacare, Health Insurance Exchange Alternative may be the best combination of insurance products available for total health protection.  What was once considered a detriment -- that the policies onl...